Carol T set us a challenge

Carol provided small lengths of dyed prepared tops, which were languishing at the bottom of her stash, challenging those members who wanted to take part, to use it in whatever way they chose and share the finished results.... We were all excited about the vibrant colours in the top - purple, green and orange - as can be seen in the images below it was a challenge to keep those colours

Kate felted a little sample book
Kate says: Of the 3 colours in the tops, my instinct was to work with the orange first.  But NO!  Of course, without scissors it was not possible to separate the colours, as all the staples were painted across in stripes. Then, "what to do" with such a small portion of fleece top?  I decided to make little textile- samples on a thick felted backing (some of which was Nuno felting made at a previous Guild workshop).  The samples include: a woven front, felted balls, a tassle, a crocheted disc and chain, blanket stitch, and a needle-felted spiral.

Inge came up with a vast array by carefully separating and blending the colours, the only yarn which retained its colour was a singles spun with colour-slubs.

"The Ancient One" with 4 pots arose from the above mini skeins. He is busy caring for the plants.

Liz - spun two different ways which made almost no difference once plied

Madeline produced mitts, both plain and in a lace pattern

Jane made a felted bowl full of delights - (they didn't last long)

Laura crocheted a headband
Julie used her green fibre to create patterned mittens

Linda's lovely yarn was too tempting for the dog!

Carol made a small woven wall hanging

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