August Flew By
Many of the group met up in Jane's garden, on one of the best weather days in August, for cake, catch up and crafting.
We were able so see Jane's finished Shetland Wedding Shawl IRL
'With Covid safety protocols in place, thanks to the hard work of our outside events coordinator,
we were back in the hall for our first inside meeting on 1st September.
This included the annual Show and Tell. Some items had already been shared on-line, but
in addition to all the items donated for the QMCG there was...
Shelia's knitted cardigan using her hand spun yarn
Madeline wove this hounds tooth fabric,
she has not yet decided on it's final use
Linda took part in an on-line tutorial to knit this shawl,
and also made a pair of mittens to match
and also made a pair of mittens to match
Maggie had been using up her stash crocheting
lots of useful boxes and bags
lots of useful boxes and bags
and also made this, oh so soft, shawl form Alpaca yarn
(check out the tassels)
Wendy incorporated a metallic thread whilst spinning
the yarn for this waistcoat and added a fur trim
she also used hand spun yarn for this jumper
Stephanie knitted this bag from oddments from
dyeing experiments on her hand spun yarn
on hand spun yarn
and Elizabeth shared her scarf woven from hand spun yarn