Each year our group selects a charity to support. This year it is The Queen Mother's Clothing Guild, a charity that we have supported for a few years for their charity knitting. As you will see below, our members are already busy with needles and hooks.
Madeline knitted this scarf using all the small skeins of wool she dyed at our last dying day, and plain white. It's all alpaca, one row colour, one row white, knitted in moss stitch lengthways. The aquamarine colour was just copper mordanted yarn that never got as far as the dye pot. This will certainly keep someone warm. Madeline sends woollen items where it does not matter if they shrink or felt, i.e., hats and scarves, as they end up being warmer!
The QMCG is one of the oldest charities, providing for those in need since 1882.
Each year the QMCG receives requests from charities all over the UK for items to enable them to continue their work.
The charities include, homeless shelters, outreach units, refuges for women, hospices for adults and children, hostels providing support and rehabilitation for ex service personnel, neonatal units and many others.
Jane S found with her first crocheted Octo that the tentacles, which should be no longer than 22cm when fully stretched, seem to stretch! The knitted version on the right has less stretch in the tentacles. Jane found an article recommending that red yarn should not be used as it could cause the nursing staff to miss a bleed by the baby!
A list of knitted requirements is on the QMCG website and any monetary donations are used to purchase non-knitted needs such as bedding, underwear and sleeping bags etc.
Part of East Grinstead Spinners donation for 2020
Over 3 days in the Autumn all items are gathered together, sorted, counted, packed and distributed. Last year 35,362 items went to 64 charities.
Many of our members donate several handmade items. Shown are hats that Elizabeth has already knitted for this year's donation, from her stash of commercial and hand spun wool.
The Queen Mothers Clothing Guild believes that the gift of new clothing or linen provides not only warmth and comfort but helps restore dignity and self-respect. We are very happy to take part in this supporting community.
Part of East Grinstead Spinners donation for 2020