The Queen Mother's Clothing Guild
Madeline co-ordinated our donations to QMCG again for 2021 and we are busy working towards our 2022 contribution. Our total in 2021 was an amazing 265 items! Which comprised:- 54 hats ranging in size from neonatal to adult and 23 scarves 39 assorted blankets 4 pairs of bed socks, 3 pairs of gloves and 67 girls dresses 6 patchwork quilts 30 child's and baby cardigans, 19 child's jumpers and 1 adult jumper 2 pairs babies bootees 16 Octopus (requested by neonatal units) 1 twiddle muff These are some of the last items to be collected in and from Dorothy this hat and sleeveless jumper From Wendy this baby layette and blanket of Granny squares Carla bought a bag of mixed yarns from the charity shop and made these lap blankets and this bag contains just some of the many blankets Pat has crocheted